Mitsubishi Electronics alvási apnoe gép MR-MC210 Kézikönyv

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Mitsubishi Electronics alvási apnoe gép MR-MC210
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(3) Axis command data/axis status data
The pass position is judged according to the pass position condition specified in the start number and end
number of the pass position condition.
(a) Axis command data
Address Name
Pass position condition
start number (2 bytes)
1 to 64
Set the start number of the pass position condition for the pass
position interrupt.
Pass position condition
end number (2 bytes)
1 to 64
Set the end number for the pass position condition for the pass
position interrupt.
Note 1. The above addresses are the addresses for the axis 1. For the axis 2 and above, increase in units of C0h for
each axis.
2. When using only one pass position condition, set the same number for the start number and end number.
When the pass position condition used in other axis is imported, a pass
position interrupt error (operation alarm 5C, detail 05) occurs and the
operation is stopped. Do not use the same pass position condition number for
multiple axes.
When the pass position condition start number is out of range, a pass position
interrupt error (operation alarm 5C, detail 01) occurs and the operation is
When the pass position condition end number is out of range, a pass position
interrupt error (operation alarm 5C, detail 02) occurs and the operation is
When the pass position condition start number is smaller than the pass
position condition end number, a pass position interrupt error (operation
alarm 5C, detail 03) occurs and the operation is stopped.
Use the sscSetStartingPassNumber function to set the pass condition start
and end numbers.
(b) Axis status data
Address Name Output limits Remarks
1094 Executing pass position
condition number (2 bytes)
0 to 64 Outputs the running pass position condition number.
After the pass position condition completion, the last pass position
condition number is displayed.
When the pass position interrupt processing is canceled due to the
pass position condition setting error, an operation alarm, or other
factors, the pass position condition number where an error occurs is
When the operation is started with the pass position interrupt invalid,
0 is output.
Note. The above address is the address for the axis 1. For the axis 2 and above, increase in units of C0h for each axis.
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