Mitsubishi Electronics kiságyas játék C64T Kézikönyv

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Mitsubishi Electronics kiságyas játék C64T
12. Position Switch
12.1 Outline of Function
12. Position Switch
12.1 Outline of Function
The position switch (PSW) is used as an imaginary dog switch by assigning an axis name and
coordinate values that indicate the imaginary dog position to be used instead of the dog switch on the
machine axis. When the machine reaches the imaginary dog position, a signal is output to the PLC
interface. This imaginary dog switch is called the position switch (PSW).
No. Item Details Setting range (unit)
7500 Pcheck High-speed
switching of
position switch
Specify whether to perform position
switch area checking at high speeds.
0: Does not perform position switch
area checking at high speed (do it the
same as before).
1: Performs position switch area
checking at high speed.
<axis> Axis name Specify the name of the axis for which a
position switch is provided.
X, Y, Z, U, V, W, A,
B, or C axis address
<dog1> Imaginary dog
position 1
When the machine enters the range
between imaginary dog positions 1 and
2, a signal is output to the PLC.
to 99999.999
<dog2> Imaginary dog
position 2
Part system 1 device X 660
Part system 2 device Y 6E0
<check> Selection of area
check method
When position switch area checking at
high speed is selected, specify the mode
of area checking, i.e., whether to use the
command type machine position or
detector feedback position, for each
position switch point.
0: Use the command type machine
position as the machine position for
position switch area checking.
1: Use the detector feedback position
as the machine position for position
switch area checking.
(Note) This parameter is valid only
when 1 set in “#7500 Pcheck.”
Kapcsolódó Kézikönyvek a Mitsubishi Electronics kiságyas játék C64T