Nautique hajó aire crossover Kézikönyv

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200 Oldalak Angol

Nautique hajó aire crossover
Dear Nautique Owner,
Welcome to the Nautique Family! For over 80 years, Nautiques by
Correct Craft has been dedicated to providing our customers and
their families with the finest inboard boats available. It’s our passion
to create the best performing boats in the industry. Boats that allow
you to escape the routine of every day life. Our customers don’t just
own a Nautique, they live the Nautique life.
Your boat has been built with the best material and workmanship
available, a legacy handed down from our founder. Our wealth of
experience gives us the edge in innovation, quality and
performance. We have the most dedicated and loyal employees in
the industry. Hands down. Every day, our employees do more than
just punch a clock; they take personal pride in every boat that comes
down the line.
Review this Owner’s Manual for your boat. We have assembled this
manual to inform you about your Nautique and educate you further
on boating. Please pay particular attention to the safety statements
statements alert you to possible safety hazards to avoid so you can
have a safer boating experience. There are also many tips and tricks
on care and maintenance sprinkled throughout the manual. Boating
is very important to us and we would like you to enjoy many years of
boating in your Nautique.
By purchasing a Nautique, you have taken the first step in trading
your old lifestyle for a new one. Now that you own a Nautique, life as
you know it will never be the same.
Enjoy the Nautique Life.
The Nautique Team
Keep your heart with all diligence,
for out of it spring the issues of life.
Proverbs 4:23
P/N 80128
Naut Air fm_2008.qxd:Naut Air fm.qxd 6/25/08 4:23 PM Page i
Kapcsolódó Kézikönyvek a Nautique hajó aire crossover